First, let's begin with the actual bag. My beautiful Longchamp bag. I LOVE my Longchamp bag, it was bought for me by my parents for my birthday a few years ago and I have never had such a sturdy bag. It carries my millions of books that I lug back and forth from university each day. I have been using the bag for almost two years now and it is still in perfect condition. I would highly recommend Longchamp!
One of the largest items I carry with me every day is my large, paddle BodyShop hairbrush. I have curly hair and a lot of it. So finding a hairbrush that won't physically pull the hairs out of my head when I use it is a difficult task, but I was recommended this brush and I haven't looked back since. This BodyShop hairbrush is heavy though, so carrying it around can add to the weight my bag massively, however it so worth it for how amazing the brush makes my hair feel.
Thirdly, my Twinings
spicy chai tea. I am a student,
so saving money is always my
main goal. Usually, I carry
around tea bags and my plastic, reusable Starbucks cup so I can
go to my local coffee shop and ask for just hot water. Usually, I will pay 20p for the service then I just put my home-brought teabag in the water, then I have cheap tea! It is also a healthier option to having a cup of coffee. So my Twinings tea bags are always a must!
spicy chai tea. I am a student,
so saving money is always my
main goal. Usually, I carry
around tea bags and my plastic, reusable Starbucks cup so I can
go to my local coffee shop and ask for just hot water. Usually, I will pay 20p for the service then I just put my home-brought teabag in the water, then I have cheap tea! It is also a healthier option to having a cup of coffee. So my Twinings tea bags are always a must!
Fourth and probably the most important thing I carry. In the left-hand corner, you can a little black object. It is a mirror and the little note stuck on the back is from my best friend. My best friend moved away when I was 17 years old and I miss her every day. I still see her sometimes, but it's strange to go from spending every second with someone to only seeing them about twice a year. Before she left, she stuck a little worry doll to this mirror along with a note, which I now carry with me everywhere. She gives me inspiration and love when I can't find it anywhere else.
I don't wear mountains of makeup. And thank God I don't because the majority of my lectures start at 9am and I wouldn't have time to layer on makeup. However, I carry a few little gems, that stop me looking as tired as I feel. First, is L'oreal's Infallible matte Powder. I don't wear a lot of face makeup, like foundation, because I have EXTREMELY sensitive skin and I don't want to puff up. However, this powder is life-saving. It covers my skin perfectly and I don't have to wear a lot of it to get full coverage. There is also my Seventeen Falsifeye HD mascara in the colour 'blackest black', which I carry always. The only reason I carry this mascara often is just in case I got out after my lecture or something and my eyelashes need a little more volume. Realistically, I don't need to carry this mascara around because it's coverage is so good, that I never really need to reapply.
My newest addition to my bag is my adorable Pinky's handmade bookmark. I fell in love with this bookmark on Instagram and the amazing creator that made this product kindly sent it to me to feature this week. I love this bookmark, it isn't huge, it takes up just the perfect amount of room in my tightly packed bag. The little teapot that sits on the end of the mark is so adorable and it looks charming hanging on the inside of the book I'm currently reading. The enchanting bookmark will be linked below and on my Instagram.
Finally, there are my two main books. Every day I have a different class so it depends which class I have to how many books I have to carry. Although there is always two books I carry with me, the book I am currently reading and my planning book. My planning book consists of blog posts to write and assignments to finish plus plans for them. I am currently reading Lion by Saroo Brierley. I am only halfway through this book at the moment but I am already in love with this non-fiction tale, so I definitely will be reviewing at some point. If you fancying buying this book for yourself, you can go over to 'my favourites' page and pick yourself up a copy.

Remember to go check out
Pinky's Handmade, click the links below!
Her Instagram:
Pinky's Hand made
Her Etsy:
For now, keep on reading oxoxo
Finally, there are my two main books. Every day I have a different class so it depends which class I have to how many books I have to carry. Although there is always two books I carry with me, the book I am currently reading and my planning book. My planning book consists of blog posts to write and assignments to finish plus plans for them. I am currently reading Lion by Saroo Brierley. I am only halfway through this book at the moment but I am already in love with this non-fiction tale, so I definitely will be reviewing at some point. If you fancying buying this book for yourself, you can go over to 'my favourites' page and pick yourself up a copy.

Remember to go check out
Pinky's Handmade, click the links below!
Her Instagram:
Pinky's Hand made
Her Etsy:
For now, keep on reading oxoxo
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