Things I do that annoy my housemates

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Long story short - I annoy my housemates. A lot. But then again, we literally do everything together and we all live under each other's feet. It's gotten to the point in our friendship that literally, anything is news. Do you know what I mean? Let me explain... For example, if Liam's favourite sandwich is discontinued, it's awful, awful news to all of us. If Shalieka gets another disciplinary at work, we are all mad at this news (she does not deserve it). 

 Does that make sense? Basically, we all spend so much time together, that we the know all the ins and outs of each other's lives. 

Okay, I am sure I have mentioned this before. But I am extremely messy. Which is fine, well for me anyway. Do you know what's not fine? Having the contents of my room spill out into every other room in the house. Is the sofa in the lounge full of all my belongings? You bet. Is the kitchen side full of my half-drunk cups of coffee? Sure is. Is my hair covering every surface in this house? Yep. I am extremely messy. Sorry, not sorry (but actually sorry guys).

I am four foot 11, do I have to say anything more? Everything in my house is on shelves and I am super little. I am also really weak. Thank you, Liam, for always answering my knock on your door when I need you to open a jar. And thank you Shalieka, for always reaching stuff down, even when I was the one who shoved it up there in the first place.

I am someone who only drinks half their drink and then I will leave the cup in my room. We have this handy-dandy system in my house, where if one person does the cooking, someone else does the washing up. It saves us arguing. This usually means that I don't do the washing up. Miss Master Chef right here. But anyway, this is how a conversation will go in my house at 'washing up time':

Shalieka: Do you have anything in your room to be washed up?

Me: Nope

Shalieka: You sure?

Me: Yeah, I haven't even been here today.

Shalieka: So, if I go in there and check, there will be no mugs in there?

Me: Nope

Shalieka: Okay, I am going to go check then

Me: Okay, okay, I'll go get them

*Arrives with seventeen mugs of half-drunk coffee*

Me: Sorry. 

I do this constantly. My favourite thing to do is to sing really loudly and stare into one of my housemate's eyes whilst I do it.  It's hilarious and they hate it. But I love making them uncomfortable. Liam is kind of an introvert and he gets easily drained by human contact after a while. He hates it when he's super tired and I just start randomly singing really loudly. I personally, find myself very entertaining. 

I do this constantly and it is probably one of my most annoying qualities. I will never, repeat never listen to a song all the way through. Which for me, when I am alone, is fine. But when I am with my housemates, it really really annoys them. 
I am really sorry, but also I will not stop doing it! 

Thank you for reading my post. I really hope you had a laugh whilst reading what my housemates have to put up with!

What I was listening to whilst I wrote this: My Girl - The Temptations 

Join the conversation!

  1. Aww all the things I miss about you living at home!! Glad you have people that you can annoy in your student house.... love you. Your mumma.x

  2. You’re right I don’t deserve those disciplinary’s great post tho x

  3. Men are definitely useful to have around for opening jars and the suchlike �� the singing bit made me laugh

  4. I've never had a housemate before! It does sound a lot like living with teenager :)

    1. Yeah it definitely is! Would you believe we are all young adults??

  5. I'm so bad for leaving my belongings in the living room!! x

  6. Constantly singling loudly and out of key was my specialty when I lived in a communal house, I'd only ever sing one line of the song as well, haha!

    1. hahahaah that sounds so much like me! Thank you for your comment x

  7. this is really funny post

  8. I think the relationship you have with eachother is so cute. You have a sibling bond and I think that is so adorable. All of you can learn from one another. I love that you try to bring your roommate out his shell by making him interact with you . You seem to keep the entertainment in the house .

  9. Oh gosh!! I remember having housemates i'm a solitary soul at heart so I REALLY struggled. But there were some amazing times too! I lived with someone who had the kitchen in her room too!! hehe Rach


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