I haven't posted in about...two months?
Which is so long but I am back, however, this post will be short and sweet.
The other day, I was on Twitter and I saw a trending tweet which said '98 days till Jan 1st, what have you achieved this year?'
And it which made me think...
What have I really achieved this year?
So let's break it down.
On the 5th of February, I handed in my 8,000-word dissertation, which I spent months slaving over.
On the 20th of March, I became a vegetarian. As I write this blog post, I am still currently vegetarian and I have been for eight months.
I don't know if it was from the stress of writing my dissertation and my final major project, but I became really ill and down during the last few months of university.
After giving up all meat products, I rapidly started to feel better.
And I haven't looked back since.
On the 2nd of May, I handed in my Final Major Project and this signified the nearing end of my degree. This photo was taken in a Pizza Express as I celebrated with my best friend by drinking espresso martinis.
On the 12th of May, I officially released my book 'Grow - Stories for 'average' foster carers', of which I sold over 100 copies. To some people, that may not sound like a big number, but to me, it is. I am an independent, self-published author and my book is linked here.
And on the 25th of June, I graduated.
On the 20th of June, I celebrated 1 whole year of being with my wonderful boyfriend.
Thank you for one year full of happiness, love and support.
On the 23rd of July, I went and viewed a load of flats in Brighton and settled in a little flat with my lovely boyfriend.
On the 20th of August, I moved out of my little student house in Farnham and officially moved into my new home in Brighton.
On the 5th of September, I landed a job in my field. During this short period between moving to Brighton and being employed, I went through a lot of interviews. I didn't get the right vibe during any of these interviews until I found my current job.
I am now a creative content writer and I am actually using my degree.
On the 18th of September, I got asked to become a part-time lecturer at my old university. Which of course, I said yes too.
Finally, on the 6th of October, I got my latest baby, Beatrix Bunny. She is super naughty and confident but also the sweetest bunny ever.
I feel like being proud of yourself should part of your self-care routine.
You have done amazing things, it is important to look back and feel like your accomplishments are worth talking about.
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Shop this post:
Jumpsuit: New Look (linked similar)
Sandals: Paula Urban
Necklace: Ally Jewerally
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~19th August 2019~
August has been a strange month. I have been actively living in three different places, my hometown, my university town and my new dwelling. Whilst I have been super busy moving my stuff around, applying for jobs and pushing my blog a little further, I have also had time to relax (weird, I know), this month.
The picture above is one of my favourites this August. It was taken in Portland at a little cove called Church Ope. It was my sisters birthday and the sun was shining, so obviously that means a day on the beach with a picnic and dogs in tow.
Speaking of cute pups brings us to another one of my picked photos. I don't know if it would truly be a 'My Camera Roll' post without my adorable sidekick. Flo-Monroe (the cute, furry face pictured below), struggled on the rocky beach this day, due to the combination of her small paws and large rocks. However, it didn't stop me snapping a few adorable shots of her.
~19th August 2019~
Furthering into the month, I took even more photos of the sea of which I have not included. This a row of houses in Brighton, my newest hometown. Am I becoming one with the seaside? I think so.
Anyway, these houses caught my eye, probably because they look so grand and expensive.
~20th August 2019~
Another one of my favourite photos from August is this photo of me and one of my many dogs. If you haven't read my post about my dogs, it will be here. But for those of you that don't know, I have four beautiful dogs! And this is Whistle.
And finally, the last collection of photos from this August, are from my beautiful town in which I went to university. During my last few days of living in Farnham, my best friend and I (pictured below) strolled around the high street and took some snaps to remember the town by.
~26th August 2019~
~26th August 2019~
~26th August 2019~
~26th August 2019~Thank you so much for reading another one of my posts. I have become a little busy over the past few weeks and so my writing has slowed down a bit. But I am going to try and post two times a week starting Monday.
Thank you again for all your love and support - it is truly appreciated.
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Shop this post:
Jumpsuit: New Look (linked similar)
Sandals: Paula Urban
Necklace: Ally Jewerally
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As many of you may know, I have recently moved house! I left the quiet streets of sleepy Farnham and traded up. I have moved to bustling Brighton, where there truly is never a dull moment. Let me explain my living situation a little. I live with my boyfriend in a two-bedroom flat in the heart of the high street. We have already found our favourite wine shop and established that there is a really good pizza place a couple of doors down. Originally, when I started my 'Moving and Improving' series, my plan was to move in with my best friend. Unfortunately, life got in the way and we couldn't make it work. However, our plan hasn't changed too much as she will hopefully be packing and moving next year.
Before I show you my lovely new living room, I want to issue a few thank-yous.
Firstly, thank you to my parents who dragged all my stuff from my home-town to here (a 3-hour drive nonetheless). Secondly, thank you to my boyfriend who has to put things in high places that I can't reach, carry stuff up heavy stairs and deal with me decorating our new little home. Thirdly, thank you to Perch and Parrow who gave us our lovely sofa.
My boyfriend and I were having a conversation about sofas the other day. He was talking about when he lived with his parents and the sofa was just always...there. And when moved into his student house, a sofa was included. We spent over a month without a sofa, hunting for the right one that would fit our space and our comfort needs. What I am saying is - a sofa is a privilege you don't usually think about. Most houses have them or come with them when you rent but as soon as you have an unfurnished property, you figure out you truly can't live without one. So I want to say a massive thank-you to Perch and Parrow who were kind enough to gift us a sofa.
So the sofa you see pictured is huge. I found it difficult to fit all its beauty in one lense. However, their website is linked throughout and I will make sure to link it again at the end of this post. This is the Arun Three-Seater Chaise Sofa in the colour Sea Salt. Perch and Parrow make bespoke furniture in a selection of colours and fabrics.
Next to my new sofa from Perch and Parrow is my coffee table. A little while ago, I wrote a post titled One Small Step into Adulthood where I spoke about a table I purchased from the charity shop. The table was the first proper adult item I had bought and having it all made up in my new house, really does remind me that I am a full-grown human now.
On this table, I have a few items. Firstly is my chess board from my Dad, which he got me as a graduation present. Then I have a few of my older books (a common theme in my new flat), like Grimm's fairytales and Longfellow. As well as a faux cactus and a few candles.
Across the room is my fireplace. This fireplace is not useable, it has been built up so we cannot light fires in it. However, I have covered the grate in candles so at least we can pretend there is a fire there. On top of it, I have put a photo of me and my boyfriend, a few more books (see, I told you it was an ongoing theme), including my signed copy of Autumn by Ali Smith and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. My candle from Newshome Candles has also found its home on my fireplace as well as some more faux cacti. Stuck on my mirror is a quote from the one and only Dolly Parton and also, a polaroid of my dogs. And finally, there is my glass jar with a few wine corks in it. My boyfriend and I plan to fill this jar up with more corks but we always end up drinking cheap wine.
Above my sofa is a shelf, which frankly, is way too high for me to reach. So I spend the majority of time asking my boyfriend to move things around for me. On this shelf is a plethora of items which I have collected throughout a few years. As I have so many books, I went for a yellow, orange, brown and white colour pallete here as I thought it matched the majority of the other items.

My newest addition is Sedrick, my ivy plant. When I first moved into my new home, my boyfriend had already been living there for a month. He told me he was going to buy me flowers as a moving in present but instead, he surprised me with a massive ivy plant which we later decided to call Sedrick. Sedrick is currently alive and healthy, let's hope he stays that way!
Next up is my buddha head. He is made from solid stone and is extremely heavy. Again, I have an array of books, which I have already mentioned. A few of my notable favourites on this shelf are - Angela Carter's Fairly tales, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult and Nutshell by Ian McEwan. And for all the readers who have been keeping a close eye on my collection of books, yes that is my second copy of Grimm's fairytales. The first was on the coffee table and no, these are definitely not my only two copies.
Now, probably one of the most interesting items in my flat is this teapot. I picked up this teapot from a really random charity shop in my hometown when I was 13 or 14 (just for reference, I am now 21 years old) and it has been with ever since. I don't know what drew me to this teapot. It could have been the intricate design or the fascinating colour palette. It could have been the fact that it says 'Made in Japan' on the bottom and was definitely brought over by a person, not by a company. Or and probably, the most likely, it could be because it reminded me of Mulan, my favourite film in the world. Anyway, I love it and it looks amazing alongside all my other items.
Next to my mysterious teapot is me and my boyfriend's graduation photos. We are now deeply in debut and have wrinkles made from pure stress but it's a nice reminder of how we got here. We are now both happily living together, in a wonderful area, both working in our respective fields.
And finally is my funky highland Cow picture which was a gift from my now ex-housemate. His vibrant orangey and yellow shades fit perfectly with my colour palette.
Thank you for reading this post and thank you to all the people who made it possible to actually make this move happen. Again, thank you Perch and Parrow for gifting this sofa to us. Please keep up-to-date on this series, I may have moved but I still have a lot of adulting to learn!
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Shop this post:
Sofa: Perch and Parrow
Cactus Candle: Vinegar Hill (no longer listed)
Ali Smith Book (Signed): Thrifted
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine Book (Signed): Waterstones
Fluffy Blanket: TK MAXX (Similar one linked)
Candle: Newshome Candles
Sedrick The Ivy Plant: Brighton Plant Shop
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This week has been super stressful. I have moved, unpacked and organised my new flat. I have been to many an interview. And, I have had to try and figure out and adjust to all my new surroundings. I apologise if my content has been a little dry over the past couple of weeks - I have been a tiny bit preoccupied. However, don't fear, I am back now.
One of the main things I have forgotten to do this week is to eat proper meals. Personally, I am a snacker. I love snacking on stuff. When I am watching TV, writing a blog post or right before bed, I always love a good snack.
However, if you have been following me for a while, you would know that I have been a vegetarian for about four months now. It wasn't until I started avoiding meat products, that I realised how much my snacking life revolved around it. Certain crisps contain animals fats or meat extracts, most sweets have gelatin in them and items like mini sausage rolls or scotch eggs are not veggie-friendly.
So, along my vegetarian journey, I have been trying to not only not eat meat but also, eat something healthier.
The items in this post were gifted by BuyWholeFoodsOnline, who must have somehow known that I was forgetting to eat full meals at the moment. They let me pick out a few of my most favourite vegetarian snacks.
Firstly are these Organic Cashew Nuts. Now, when you stop eating meat, your body tends to start lacking iron. Having low iron can make you feel tired and have paler skin than normal. However, iron is so many things other than meat and most these other things, are actually a lot better to have in your diet. Cashews are one of them. Nuts are on my favourite, go-to snacks. These Organic Cashews are roasted, lightly salted and extremely moreish.

Next, BuyWholeFoodsOnline sent me these Sunflower Seeds. To say I love sunflower seeds would be an understatement. They are one of the most versatile product to have in your cupboards. Find salads boring? Chuck some sunflower seeds on it. Your granola is lacking something? Add the seeds. Fancy a light snack before dinner? SUNFLOWER SEEDS.
I may sound biased - it is because I am.
Another one of my and my boyfriend's favourites is honey. In my house, we can never have enough honey. I couldn't stop myself when it came to trying this honey, to say that is has lasted this long in my house is a miracle. Honey, again, is extremely versatile. However, I do always have it in the cupboard for another reason. Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Rather than taking paracetamol or ibuprofen for a sore throat, put a spoonful of honey in your cup of tea.
On a side note - This jar contains 900g (A MASSIVE AMOUNT) of honey and it's only £10.99.
Aside from me forgetting to have full meals this week, my overall vegetarian journey has been truly amazing. It's been easy and more than that, it's been inspiring. I have been getting so creative with my food and trying out so many other things.
I have a few honourable mentions for my favourite snacks:
- Peanut Butter - I had some of this in the house but it did not look pretty in photos!
- Yoghurt Coated Peanuts - I had none of them in my flat.
- Ritz Crackers- Again, had none of them in, however, I am really craving them now.
Thank you so much for reading this post and thank you BuyWholeFoodsOnline for gifting me some goodies!
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Shop this post:
Orangic Cashew Nuts: BuyWholeFoodOnline
Raw Wild Flower Bulgarian Honey: BuyWholeFoodOnline
Organic Sunflower Seeds: BuyWholeFoodOnline
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Last night, I went to the pub and I noticed all the new, first-years around me in their Fresher's week. For all my Non-British readers, Freshers is a week where all the new university students go-to events and usually, they involve a lot of drinking and stumbling around their latest hometown.
As my university experience has officially wrapped up and I am packing the last of my belongings into my suitcase, I have really been thinking about what it means to be in higher education. Yes, it makes you more employable and yes, it makes you more qualified in your field. But really, what is university culture?
(Side-note: all the pictures of this post might seem random but they are actually photos of my lovely town in which I went to university)
There Are No '5-Minute Catch Ups'
(Side-note: all the pictures of this post might seem random but they are actually photos of my lovely town in which I went to university)
There Are No '5-Minute Catch Ups'
There is no popping into your friend's room to see how they are. There is no quick chat whilst you make dinner. There is no going down to the pub for one drink only. I don't think a 5-minute conversation has ever occurred the whole time I have lived with my best friends - I always end up staying a few hours.
You Won't Remember What's Yours Anyway
When you first move into your 'spacious' university room, you want to make it nice and when you move out halls and into your student house with your friends, again, you want to make it nice. You buy all new plates, bowls, cutlery and mugs. You put up cute pictures and maybe, a couple of fairy lights. But I'll let you into a secret- No one remembers what's theirs when it comes to moving out.
Nobody remembers which plates they own and everybody thinks that one 'perfect' spoon is theirs. Your kitchen will be left with a couple of items which everyone swears they did not bring into the house and will probably end up being donated to the charity shop anyway.
When you first move into your 'spacious' university room, you want to make it nice and when you move out halls and into your student house with your friends, again, you want to make it nice. You buy all new plates, bowls, cutlery and mugs. You put up cute pictures and maybe, a couple of fairy lights. But I'll let you into a secret- No one remembers what's theirs when it comes to moving out.
Nobody remembers which plates they own and everybody thinks that one 'perfect' spoon is theirs. Your kitchen will be left with a couple of items which everyone swears they did not bring into the house and will probably end up being donated to the charity shop anyway.
First-year doesn't count
I don't know if this is just England, but for us, the first year doesn't count. You simply need to pass it to get into the second year. So that means that a lot of lectures are attended half-heartedly. Usually, you turn up without a pen to take notes, still drunk from the night before or late because you just had to get a coffee prior to the lesson.
Your Planners and Diaries
Leading on from that, you will not, repeat, will not use a diary of a planner in the first year. Yes, I did the same. I bought a cute diary and covered it in cute pictures. I bought a plethora of coloured pens and highlighters. I got way too many notebooks and sticky notes and do you know what, I have finished university now and I still have the majority of them - unwritten in and unused.
Weird Habits
I think developing weird habits is probably one of the most relatable things that happens whilst you are at university. However, your friends or housemates also pick up these habits and it isn't until you go back to your hometown that you realise that these new behaviours are actually quite strange.
It is not normal to nap at 11am or to make pancakes at midnight, that is unless you are at university.
Your Milk & Bread
There is no milk or your bread, its everyone's milk and bread. Yes, someone will use the last of it and no, no-one will confess. But don't worry, that's what your loan is for - milk and bread.
Carry your university ID
You could go to your university every single day, attend every lecture and know every lecturer's name and life story. But somehow, the university guards will still need to see your ID and if you don't have it, you won't be allowed into the building you are spending nine grand a year on, just to attend.
Rent & The Library
Your student rent is extortionate but don't worry, you don't spend anytime there anyway. You live in the library.
All in all, going to university was the best decision I have ever made and it has been an honour to live in this beautiful town.
One final truth about University culture - All the friends you make, will be your friends for life.
Thank you for reading this post!
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