Last night, I went to the pub and I noticed all the new, first-years around me in their Fresher's week. For all my Non-British readers, Freshers is a week where all the new university students go-to events and usually, they involve a lot of drinking and stumbling around their latest hometown.
As my university experience has officially wrapped up and I am packing the last of my belongings into my suitcase, I have really been thinking about what it means to be in higher education. Yes, it makes you more employable and yes, it makes you more qualified in your field. But really, what is university culture?
(Side-note: all the pictures of this post might seem random but they are actually photos of my lovely town in which I went to university)
There Are No '5-Minute Catch Ups'
(Side-note: all the pictures of this post might seem random but they are actually photos of my lovely town in which I went to university)
There Are No '5-Minute Catch Ups'
There is no popping into your friend's room to see how they are. There is no quick chat whilst you make dinner. There is no going down to the pub for one drink only. I don't think a 5-minute conversation has ever occurred the whole time I have lived with my best friends - I always end up staying a few hours.
You Won't Remember What's Yours Anyway
When you first move into your 'spacious' university room, you want to make it nice and when you move out halls and into your student house with your friends, again, you want to make it nice. You buy all new plates, bowls, cutlery and mugs. You put up cute pictures and maybe, a couple of fairy lights. But I'll let you into a secret- No one remembers what's theirs when it comes to moving out.
Nobody remembers which plates they own and everybody thinks that one 'perfect' spoon is theirs. Your kitchen will be left with a couple of items which everyone swears they did not bring into the house and will probably end up being donated to the charity shop anyway.
When you first move into your 'spacious' university room, you want to make it nice and when you move out halls and into your student house with your friends, again, you want to make it nice. You buy all new plates, bowls, cutlery and mugs. You put up cute pictures and maybe, a couple of fairy lights. But I'll let you into a secret- No one remembers what's theirs when it comes to moving out.
Nobody remembers which plates they own and everybody thinks that one 'perfect' spoon is theirs. Your kitchen will be left with a couple of items which everyone swears they did not bring into the house and will probably end up being donated to the charity shop anyway.
First-year doesn't count
I don't know if this is just England, but for us, the first year doesn't count. You simply need to pass it to get into the second year. So that means that a lot of lectures are attended half-heartedly. Usually, you turn up without a pen to take notes, still drunk from the night before or late because you just had to get a coffee prior to the lesson.
Your Planners and Diaries
Leading on from that, you will not, repeat, will not use a diary of a planner in the first year. Yes, I did the same. I bought a cute diary and covered it in cute pictures. I bought a plethora of coloured pens and highlighters. I got way too many notebooks and sticky notes and do you know what, I have finished university now and I still have the majority of them - unwritten in and unused.
Weird Habits
I think developing weird habits is probably one of the most relatable things that happens whilst you are at university. However, your friends or housemates also pick up these habits and it isn't until you go back to your hometown that you realise that these new behaviours are actually quite strange.
It is not normal to nap at 11am or to make pancakes at midnight, that is unless you are at university.
Your Milk & Bread
There is no milk or your bread, its everyone's milk and bread. Yes, someone will use the last of it and no, no-one will confess. But don't worry, that's what your loan is for - milk and bread.
Carry your university ID
You could go to your university every single day, attend every lecture and know every lecturer's name and life story. But somehow, the university guards will still need to see your ID and if you don't have it, you won't be allowed into the building you are spending nine grand a year on, just to attend.
Rent & The Library
Your student rent is extortionate but don't worry, you don't spend anytime there anyway. You live in the library.
All in all, going to university was the best decision I have ever made and it has been an honour to live in this beautiful town.
One final truth about University culture - All the friends you make, will be your friends for life.
Thank you for reading this post!
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Periods appear to be a very strange conversation topic apparently. It is something nearly every woman deals with.
When discussing periods, we tend to soften our words and actions.
We slip tampons or sanitary pads up our sleeves to avoid people knowing. We use the term 'women problems', to describe the immense period pains we can get. There is a light, rose-coloured tint painted over the topic of periods to make them seem more acceptable in society.
But in reality, why are hiding something that happens to roughly half the population?
Personally, I think it is a way of dulling women's overall strength.
Your period is healthy and not only that, your body is so powerful that it can physically grow and produce another human being. And sometimes you just need a little bit of blood to remind you of how strong and courageous you can be.
This post might end up being super long because I have a lot to say about how the subject of periods and how it is dealt with.
- Boys, Boys, Boys - I was very lucky in the fact that the earliest male figure in my life, my dad, was informed when it came to periods and was never ashamed of grabbing me period products from the local shop. However, since I have been living with boy housemates, how little they know about periods is confusing to me. The amount of weird (and sometimes extremely amusing) questions I have been asked whilst sharing a house with two boys has been slightly worrying. They are definitely leaving this house with more information then when they came in, especially since they live with two girls! It has been a while since I have been in a High School environment but when I was younger, I was taught about periods in Sex Education. Which is fine and of course, I inappropriately laughed when the teachers said words like 'Tampon'. However, the boys were never taught anything about this monthly event. There is the argument that men do not have a menstrual cycle, therefore, they don't need to learn about it. But surely, isn't the conversation of periods more about reproduction? Something a man plays a part in? As I said, I haven't been to GCSE's for a long time and maybe times have changed.
- Social Media & Taboos- In honesty, this is changing. In 2019, it is a little less frowned upon. However, the sight of periods and anything menstrual-related is very restricted and not encouraged on social media platforms.
So let's talk about the sponsor of this post!
~Sponspered Content~
Pink Parcel is a period box subscription service, that delivers all the goodies you will need during your time of the month, start to your door. I don't know about you, but I am forever being surprised by my period. Luckily, I live with my best friend at the moment and she usually has some pads or tampons lying around which I can use, but when I start living with my boyfriend full-time, I am afraid that will no longer be an option. I am going to have to start fending for myself in the period department.
So, there are three main boxes you can get your hands on. There is 'The Needs' box, which is £5.00 a month. This has all your basics, your tampons, pads and other feminine hygiene products. The next level up is the 'The Wants' and this contains little extras which will make your period that little bit easier. As well as having period products, it also includes skin products, to sort out those pesky hormonal spots and even some chocolate and herbal tea. When I am on my period, I find the best thing to drink is peppermint tea, it really soothes your period cramps!
The box I was so generously sent was the 'All of It' box, which is £11.00 a month.
What's in the 'All Of It' box?
Well, I am glad you asked. Inside the packaging (pictured above) comes these two smaller boxes, one labelled 'For You' and the other 'For Later'.
~Sponspered Content~
Insides of the 'For You' box was a range of tampons and pads. Now, it is not a secret that every woman has a preference in what period products they use. And Pink Parcel knows that. Pink Parcel allows you to pick and choose what you like and want. My box is only my first months, therefore it includes a range. However, when you want to switch it up, just hop over to their website (linked here) and tell them what you want. They also carry a range of brands like Always, Tampax, BodyForm and many more!
~Sponspered Content~
Inside the 'For Later Box' is where all the goodies are hiding. In my box this month, I got the MudMasky for my hair. It is a shampoo that repairs your damaged hair and soothes it, to make it feel all soft. Fun Fact: When you are on your period, you are more likely to have bad hair days. Both your skin and your scalp can react due to the hormonal changes in your body.
Also, I got a Tanatomicals Lip Balm (which has SPF in it) and a Floss Lip Gloss. When I am on my period, I always find myself feeling dehydrated. Thes lip products are definitely what I need.
Finally, I also received a Cocoba Milk Chocolate Block. On the packet, this is described as a 'Chocolate Spoon', which you just have to have in alongside a cup of tea.
Also, something that is not pictured is the Lyons Coffee sachet. If I am being completely honest, I got too excited and drank it before I remembered to take a picture of it. It was my favourite item, as I am, you probably already know, a true coffee addict.
~Sponspered Content~
If you thought that was it, you were incorrect!
As well as the 'For You' and 'For Later' boxes, there is the 'For Night' box, which contains night time, thicker pads for long hours. As well as this bag which says 'Self-Love', which includes even more pads!
No matter, how long or heavy your cycle is, Pink Parcel has got you.
~Sponspered Content~

~Sponspered Content~
I posted a little late this week and as you can see, it was because I was working on this lengthy post.
Here are some of my final thoughts:
- Pink Parcel has been one of the best and most important brands I have worked with recently.
- Periods should never, ever be taboo.
- Women are strong, magical creatures.
Thank you Pink Parcel & thank you to all my lovely readers!
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Shop this post:
Monthly Period Subscription Box: Pink Parcel
Lip Gloss: Floss
Hair Mask: MudMasky
All other products linked.
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*This post is sponsored but all opinions are my own.
~23rd July 2019~
Hello, welcome back or welcome to my little blog.
Okay, let me be honest for a moment. I don't know if this is a stupid post idea and I really hope it isn't just me that finds this sort of thing interesting. I find peoples camera rolls really fascinating. I heard this quote one - 'If you want to learn what someone fears losing, look at what they photograph'. I think this is partly true. However, I also take a lot of photos of, do with that information what you will.
I thought it would be a fun post idea to share some of my favourite snaps of July 2019. If you are expecting some feel fantastic photography, you have to wrong place. However, if you are nosy (like me) and fancy scrolling through my photos of this month (or last month), then stick around, give this a read.
Firstly, let's talk about the photo above. Most of my July has been spent working, so my camera roll is lacking an awful lot of 'fun' photos. However, this is a snap of my breakfast in Brighton. If anyone is interested, these pancakes are from Bills and they are hands-down, my favourite breakfast food. In the words of Leslie Knope - 'Why would anyone ever eat anything besides breakfast food?'
So, I was house hunting in Brighton with my other half and we both decided we needed a good, filling breakfast to make a fully informed decision about our future (and it worked, blog post about that coming soon.)
~9th July 2019~
When you are thinking about your favourite photos of the month, please always try to include one of your own faces. Self-love starts with yourself.
Anyway, mushy stuff aside, my best friend took this photo and I love it. We are all moving out of our student house soon and it was nice to spend some time in our garden, doing what we do best - snapping photos.

~2nd July 2019~
Thirdly, is this adorable photos of me, my dog (Flo-Monroe) and my boyfriend. We popped back to my home town to spend some time with my family and we took this photo whilst out on a good, old-fashioned dog walk.
I don't know how many of these posts I am going to do, but if I do write multiple, my dog will pretty much be in all of them. She is outrageously adorable and more photogenic then I will ever be. Also, I love a good old, family photo. My boyfriend's love for my dog in this photo is too pure not to make it into my favourite photos for this month.
~3rd July 2019~
~3rd July 2019~
Both of these photos were taken on the same day, as you can probably tell from the outfit. Okay, so basically, I was just really feeling my outfit this day. I got the playsuit from a charity shop, it fit perfectly and was only £3.00. I also had just bought my Paula Urban shoes (linked below), and my little yellow, bumblebee handbag just completed the look, to be honest.
The first photo was taken on the train whilst I was reading 'This is Going to Hurt' by Adam Kay and the second was taken in a little local boutique near my home town. It was also taken by my sister and definitely wasn't as candid as it looks.
~21st July 2019~
This photo brings a lot of feelings to my heart. I took this whilst shooting photos for my 'Come and Pack With Me' post and it's (very clearly) of my record player and some of my little cacti. The white, empty space around it reminds me of my little empty student house. Goodbye University, hello adulthood.
~21st July 2019~
This photo brings a lot of feelings to my heart. I took this whilst shooting photos for my 'Come and Pack With Me' post and it's (very clearly) of my record player and some of my little cacti. The white, empty space around it reminds me of my little empty student house. Goodbye University, hello adulthood.
~3rd July 2019~
Finally, is this flat-lay from my post 'My Mug Collection'. I love this photo. I love my F.R.I.E.N.D.S mugs and I think all the colours really compliment each other. I think one of the cons of blogging is second-guessing yourself. You are constantly thinking your writing isn't good enough or your photos won't spark interest (or maybe that's just me). But I was truly confident in this photo and I think it's cute!
Thank you for reading this post! Let me know your thoughts, do I make this a series or no?
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Shop this post:
Pancakes: Bills
Clear Glasses: Amazon
Tortoise Shell Glasses: Amazon
Faux Cacti: IKEA
Black Playsuit: Thrifted
Record Player: Argos
Platform Sandals: Paula Urban
Yellow Cross Body Bag: BooHoo
F.R.I.E.N.D.S mugs: Thrifted
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